As we continue reading through the Bible, we have been reading about the Tabernacle this week. God gave Moses the plans for the Tabernacle while Moses was on Mt. Sinai. Exodus 38:21-28 tells us that over a ton of Gold and 3.75 tons of Silver were used in the construction of the Tabernacle. At today's prices this would be valued at almost 30 million dollars. The people had sacrificially given all the supplies needed and had to be told to stop bringing offerings for the Tabernacle. The Tabernacle was to be God's dwelling place on Earth. One of my professor's, John Sailhamer explains the significance of the Tabernacle in his book The Pentateuch As Narrative
"In the Tabernacle complex, the Holy God lived among his chosen people. The special arrangements of the dwelling (e.g., the Holy of Holies, outer court, etc.) were not intended to exclude God from his people but to safeguard the proper approach to this holy God, that is, an approach through the blood of the atonement sacrifice" (John Sailhamer, The Pentateuch As Narative, pg 298)
It was in the Tabernacle then, that the people of Israel, through the priest could approach God and know that their sins were paid for. John 1:14 tells us that the Word (Jesus) became flesh and made his dwelling (tabernacle) among us. By the blood of Jesus, not bulls and goats, we come into the presence of this holy God who loves us and desires that we would live with him for all eternity. God is holy. He alone is worthy to be praised. Worship him today and offer Him thanks for our salvation won for us through the cross.
For pictures of a replica of the Tabernacle click here
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