Thursday, March 12, 2009

We're Finally Done!

I heard a big sigh of relief on Tuesday.  We are finally done reading the Pentateuch.  (that's the 5 books of Moses including Genesis-Deuteronomy).  Now, don't get me wrong.  I believe that all scripture is profitable and God breathed as Paul said in 2 Timothy 3:16-17.  But the plain truth is that the OT books of the law are difficult to read.  The law seems so archaic and irrelevant.  God gave Moses so many strange rules and requirements.  As I read these books again I was reminded of God's holiness and purity.  Israel needed to know that God was unique.  They needed to know that he is the only God who was sovereign over all the nations.  They needed to know that they were utterly sinful and had no right whatsoever to enter into his holy presence.  And yet, the sacrifices and especially the events of the Day of Atonement (Lev 16) point to a greater reality.  They were looking forward to a greater sacrifice.  A day when God would ultimately forgive their sins.  As the scapegoat ran off into the wilderness they were reminded that one day God would remove their sin from them as far as the East is from the West.  That day has come.  Jesus died once and for all.  It is finished.  So now we approach the throne of Grace with confidence through a new and living way.  Unlike the Israelites in the wilderness we can walk right into the Most Holy Place.   That's right, we have an all access pass to the throne of God purchased for us by Jesus' own blood.  So, as we journey into the promised land with Joshua over these next couple of weeks, don't forget that God is holy and we aint. 

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