Thursday, April 16, 2009

I’m A Christ-Follower, Why is life so uncertain?

There doesn’t seem to be a lot of firm ground to stand on anymore.  Terrorists are plotting to destroy us. Pirates are vowing to destroy American ships.   North Korea and Iran are quickly developing nuclear weapons.  Our economy is in a freefall and our government seems to be spending trillions of dollars we don’t have. Many have lost their jobs.  Farm expenses continue to escalate while revenues fall.  Abortion numbers are climbing after years of decline and marriage is being redefined in state after state.  Where is God?   Doesn’t he care about us anymore?  Maybe we have angered him too much and he has left the country.  Over the next couple of weeks we are going to be exploring God’s word to find out if He still has the whole world in his hands.  Can we place our faith in a God we don’t see?  Can we trust Him even if there appears to be no evidence of his working in our lives?  I’m a Christ-Follower.  Why do I worry so much?

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