I thought this was really interesting and worth seeing. It comes from J.D. Greear. We serve an awesome God!
This is a 3 min video put out by Harvard on the incredible intricacies of the cell. (special thanks to our David Goodman for putting me onto it!)
One of the interesting things is that even as evolution has become more entrenched in our culture, belief that a God is still behind creation has stayed basically the same, much to the chagrin of neo-atheists like Richard Dawkins and Sam Harris. That is because there is something in the human heart that knows that there is no way that nothing x nobody = everything. Psalm 19:1 says that the heavens declare to us the glory of God and Romans 1:20 says that the immensity of creation reveals to our hearts the massive size of the God behind it. (and not just in America...Two new books put out by the UN say that belief in God is making a massive comeback even in Europe.) What always amuses me is the way that guys like Richard Dawkins and Sam Harris, who so deplore the way that theologians will appeal to mystery as it relates to things like the problem of evil, will get this blankish look on their face when they are asked where matter and energy could have originated and say something about a mystery... Here is the video we used from Francis Chan.
And here is the sermon itself (if it's not there, check back in an hour or so). You can also watch by going to our website and clicking "sermon media" and "watch now."
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