Thursday, January 14, 2010

Helping The Haitian People

Some have been asking me how they can help the people of Haiti.  There are lots of organizations asking for donations right now.  Unfortunately not all are worthy of our support.   There will be ongoing opportunities in the months and even years ahead.  I had already been praying about and considering a trip to Haiti in 2011.  However there are overwhelming immediate needs.  One of the best organizations I know of is in Haiti right now.  This is Franklin Graham’s organization, Samaritan’s Purse.   You probably know of Samaritan’s Purse through the Operation Christmas Child campaign.  You can read all about their ministry HERE.  Franklin Graham explains what they are doing right now in Haiti to provide Shelter, medicine and clean drinking water HERE.  The earthquake has provided us an opportunity to reach out to the hurting with the Love of Jesus Christ.

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